Tekenen van de potentiele BusinessLine routes
Partial transport

Also join the BusinessLine

How do we keep the work locations in the Brainport region accessible? That's the challenge what we stand for together. The BusinessLine is the solution for the commuter who do not have a sustainable alternative to the car and who are not within cycling distance lives. And therefore an interesting and relevant addition to your current one mobility offer.

Want to, but can't

Many employees would like to cycle to work, but it is too far. And public transport is not a solution for everyone. So they come by car. The BusinessLine is the solution for this group. This collective bus transport runs directly to and from business parks in the Brainport region with stops close to the highway and as few stops as possible. The BusinessLine is also expected to drive along the emergency lane along the traffic jam on certain routes.

Potential routes

In the preliminary phase, we conducted extensive research into the routes with the most potential. These eight potential routes emerged from this.

For interested employers, we use the mobility scan to find out for how many employees the BusinessLine can be a good alternative and which routes they can use. We also see whether it is interesting to investigate a new route.

Potentiele routes BusinessLine

Participation in six steps

We will use a quick inventory to determine whether your company is eligible to participate in the BusinessLine. This inventory takes place during a short conversation and requires little to no preparation. After a positive outcome we continue the rest of the step-by-step plan; the mobility scan, the realization plan, the route scan, the formalization and the start with one or more BusinessLine routes. The employees can then travel along.

Whether your employees actually join the BusinessLine depends, among other things, on how the BusinessLine is communicated with this group. We are happy to support you with tips and tools to stimulate this behavioral change among employees.

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Do you want to keep Brainport accessible? Join us. We would be happy to discuss this with you. To work on opportunities, innovations and solutions. Because we can only do that together. Contact us at

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