Smart and innovative

Leon Mulders of Royal HaskoningDHV: 'sustainable mobility package is an attractive employment condition'

Published on September 7, 2023

Royal HaskoningDHV has a clear mission: contributing to a better society. The engineering and consultancy firm therefore works together with customers and partners on innovations and smart solutions for a more sustainable future. Also in the field of mobility. 'And that starts with ourselves,' says Leon Mulders, sustainable mobility advisor. He is therefore working on a sustainable mobility package within the employment conditions.

Royal HaskoningDHV has been around for more than 140 years and works in 25 countries worldwide with approximately 6,000 employees. The company advises governments and organizations in all kinds of areas: from aviation and industry to urban development and water management. Leon works within the Mobility & Infrastructure business unit and is part of the advisory group that deals with the mobility transition. 'Within our team, I specifically focus on charging stations and mobility as employment conditions. For the latter I am also called in by our own HR department.'

Energy transition as a common thread

The team is growing quickly. 'This is driven by the energy transition, which is becoming increasingly leading in all areas. Mobility plays a significant role in this. So the demand for advice on setting up zero-emission zones in urban areas, logistics charging, loading pleasure boats, public transport incentives, cycling infrastructure, you name it, is growing. As Royal HaskoningDHV we are a leader in this. This also stems from our mission: we want to contribute to a better world. CO2reduction is therefore one of our spearheads and you notice that in everything. Our existing locations in Rotterdam and The Hague will soon be merged into a national monument in Delft that we will give a second, sustainable life. It will be the first Paris Proof National Monument: gas-free and with greatly reduced energy consumption. We also have our own energy transition academy to train our people and exchange knowledge. Of course you see our goal of CO2reduction is also reflected in our mobility choices. For example, our entire fleet in the Netherlands is fully electric.'

The power of the bicycle

However, there are still steps to be taken, Leon believes. 'We do a lot internally in the field of sustainable mobility, but we need to link this much better and make it visible and more usable. For example, our shared bicycles are kept relatively out of sight in the basement. And the associated arrangement and reservation options are hidden further away on our Intranet. We need to promote it much more and motivate people to participate. That's why I was immediately interested when I heard that our location in Eindhoven had joined the Brainport Bereikbaar bicycle incentive program. Also because I believe in the power of cycling. It is good for your health and analyzes repeatedly show that a substantial proportion of employees live within cycling distance. I am therefore now in contact with mobility broker Oscar Roelofs to see how we can implement the pilot more widely in our organization!'

Sustainable mobility in employment conditions

Leon also works with the HR department on a clear package of employment conditions for mobility. 'Our own employees also ask for this. The younger generation in particular finds it very important to work for an employer that contributes to sustainability. And we want to be and remain an attractive employer. Such a package of employment conditions seems simple, but the trick is to develop it in such a way that it benefits everyone. A bicycle plan is great for people who want to purchase an electric bicycle or speed pedelec, but not everyone can afford that. So, for example, also include other financing structures. And of course try to encourage sustainable choices. For example, with more attractive travel allowance for bicycle use. Or facilitating electric shared cars, shared bicycles and shared scooters for employees who do not qualify for lease cars. And not only shared mobility that you find at your own locations, but also that in public spaces. That range is increasing all the time.'

Choose the mobility solution that best suits your day

In addition to balanced employment conditions, an underlying registration system is indispensable to offer a sustainable mobility package to employees. 'Fortunately, that's what MaaS providers are for: Mobility as a Service. We are investigating whether we can implement this in our existing systems. The accompanying app makes administrative flows easier, but above all gives employees clear insight into and options for a varied mobility choice. For example, I cycle from my house to our location in Nijmegen. When I work at another location, I regularly take the train. Most colleagues have an NS Business Card, which makes it very easy for us to work on the train. Finally, I can also work from home and the kilometer not traveled is always the cleanest. This wide range makes me think more carefully about the mobility choices I make. And the more often you do that, the more important you will find it.'

Leon about Brainport Accessible:

'Brainport Bereikbaar is a valuable collaboration partner for us, just like the other mobility programs in the Netherlands. They create more awareness, guide organizations into the world of sustainable mobility and provide tools for insight. We join in for the more complex design, developing policy and selecting suppliers.'

'Brainport Bereikbaar is a valuable collaboration partner for us, just like the other mobility programs in the Netherlands.'

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