To and from De Run
How do you travel to De Run? How easily do your employees or customers reach your company? Can it be done faster or more sustainably? Check it out on this page. Here you will see current travel information, transfer options and various promotions. This way you will find the smartest way to De Run.
No hours in traffic jams to work. Employees who start their working day on time. Working on vitality, sustainability and the accessibility of your company. It's all possible with smart solutions. Also on the De Run industrial estate.
And that is desperately needed. Because a lot will change at De Run in the coming years. The number of employees is growing rapidly. This will (even) increase the pressure on accessibility.
Together we can do something about that. On this site you will therefore find information about the current and future situation, about how you can best reach De Run, what measures you can take as an employer and how you as an employee can help.
Together we find the smartest way to De Run.
Do you want to keep Brainport accessible? Join us. We would be happy to discuss this with you. To work on opportunities, innovations and solutions. Because we can only do that together. Contact us at