Travel behavior, Smart and innovative

Working from home: a must if possible

Published on May 8, 2023

'Just work from home more'. That seems like an easy solution to keep the Brainport region accessible. But how do you organize that as an employer? From 'freedom, happiness' to strict rules: a lot is possible. Our mobility broker Oscar Roelofs will tell you more about it.

'The most sustainable journey is the one you don't make. The more people work from home, the better it is for our environment. Yet that is sometimes easier said than done. First of all, because “just working from home” is simply not possible for a large group of workers. Just think of production workers, healthcare providers, drivers. But working from home also has pitfalls for employers of people who can do so. So in practice we see that some employers are throwing in the towel. They are going 'back to square one': employees have to come back to the office. We see this in the crowds on the road. Fortunately, there are plenty of examples of how things can be done differently.

Clear policy

For example, there are employers who allow employees to take full control of their home working days. Many employees find that ideal. At the same time, as an employer you have little control within this model, even though you might want to. Just from a social point of view: if you ensure that people work from home on Tuesdays and Thursdays, it takes the pressure off the road. Many larger organizations usually have that control. They have a clear work-from-home policy and offer employees good hybrid solutions, work-from-home allowances and even home office furnishings. They can control how many days people come to work at the office and often organize fixed team days. Working from home is also an important starting point for real estate policy and the design of offices as pleasant meeting spaces.

Win for everyone

Perhaps those examples go a bit far for your organization. But I have to say: back to square one is not the solution. Because it is really no longer possible to have a work-from-home policy. At least: not if you want to remain an attractive employer. That offers flexibility and bonding. Who has properly arranged the digital and occupational health and safety risks. And it relies on the productivity and commitment of its people, even when they work from home. And it is certainly no longer possible if you believe in corporate social responsibility. Because working from home not only benefits your people, but also nature and the accessibility of our region.

Need help?

The more organizations are aware of the importance of working from home, the more opportunities we can seize. That is why we at Brainport Bereikbaar think along with you about working from home models and directions. We show best practices, share results of various studies and make contacts. So that you can create a policy that suits your culture. And together we can go for every extra trip that is not made.'

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